This award can be granted purely for service to the ADS mission in one's local community alone; however, service elsewhere within the region or at the national level certainly adds extra weight to the nomination. Generally, it should require a variety of activities, and it should reflect service over a period of time, not just for one or two years. No award should be given or expected as a "thank you" purely for holding an office. One's leadership and impact are more important than simply holding office. The Carolina Service Award, previously known as the Willard Gardner Service Award until 2004 and as the Region 15 Award from 2004 until 2015, is designed to recognize outstanding service to AHS Region 15. This award is currently sponsored by Mid-Carolina Daylily Society.
ANY Region 15 member(s) may nominate an individual or couple who work together that he/she/they deem worthy of the Carolina Service Award.
Nominations should be in narrative form and should include specific details of the nominee's service. The nomination should also provide any other supporting information about the nominee's contributions to ADS and to Region 15.
The letter may be sent via e-mail or the USPS to the current Awards Management Chair and must arrive on or before SEPT 1 of the year for which the nomination is made. (Note: if sending nomination via e-mail, please send the nomination narrative as an attachment. Do not embed within the body of an e-mail.)
Contact information for the person(s) making the nomination is required.
Elected members of the Region 15 Board of Directors, (RP, Treasurer, and Member at Large), and the last two previous winners of this award will constitute the selection committee for the award.
Elected members of Region 15 Board of Directors, the Awards Manager, and previous recipients of the Carolina Service Award are not eligible for nomination.
The winner of The Carolina Service Award will receive an engraved plaque presented by the president of the sponsoring club or the president's designee at the annual Region 15 Fall Meeting.
2023 - Eric Simpson 2022 - Anne Winningham 2021 - Richard Warren 2020 - Robert Selman 2019 - John Martin 2018 - Kathy Tinius 2017 - Jim and Jane Sovine 2016 - Becky Hinshaw 2015 - Rebecca Board 2014 - Nancy Womack 2013 - Heidi Douglas 2012 - Ann Cobb 2011 - Cindy Dye 2010 - Ed Zahler 2009 - Curtis Barnes 2008 - Ray and Wanda Quinn 2007 - Mildred Hood 2006 - Herman Pruitt 2005 - Charles Douglas 2003 - Becky Adams 2002 - Don Albers 2001 - Linda Sue Barnes 2000 - Reggie Register 1999 - Van Sellers 1998 - Harvey and Edith Horne 1997 - Bill Green 1996 - Mildred Goble 1994 - Peggy and Jim Jeffcoat 1989 - Ken Cobb 1988 - Mary Alexander 1987 - Steve Baldwin
Note: The award was not given in the years that are NOT included on the above list.