Will be presented at the Summer Regional 2025 hosted by Central Daylily Club DEADLINE September28th!! Send seedlings (up to 3 fans of each cultivar and up to 5 cultivars per hybridizer) to: Deborah Cash 1401 Oak Ridge Rd. Kernersville, NC 27284
The Region 15 seedling bed competition was established around 1977 as the Alma Webb Coe Award sponsored by the Allgood family. It was later sponsored by the Western NC Daylily Club and is currently sponsored by the Foothills Daylily Society. Unfortunately, the original contest rules have not been uncovered. Thus at the 2010 Region 15 fall business meeting, the region approved the following rules presented by the Awards Management Committee in an attempt to reconstruct and establish a comprehensive policy and procedure based on our traditions as well as the best practices of other regions holding similar competitions. THE COMPLETE & OFFICIAL CAROLINA SEEDLING AWARD CONTEST RULES:
The Carolina Seedling competition is open to all ADS member hybridizers from Region 15. To be eligible for the competition, seedlings must remain unregistered until after the summer regional meeting.
Award recipients remain eligible to enter other seedlings in successive years.
As soon as practicable, the host club for the summer regional meeting will provide prospective entrants notice through the Region 15 newsletter and through electronic postings of the following:
The name and shipping address of the host garden.
When the garden will begin accepting entries.
How many entries per hybridizer may be exhibited.
Entries will be accepted no earlier than two years priors to the tour date and no later than the fall meeting of the year preceding the garden tour. Hybridizers are responsible for getting their entries to the garden host.
Hybridizers may enter up to five (5) seedlings unless space is limited, in which case entries may be restricted to three (3) per entrant at the request of the garden host.
Entries may consist of no more than three fans each at time of submittal.
All entries shall be located in one bed which is identified with appropriate signage. If at all possible, the bed shall not be shared with named cultivars, or there must at least be a clear delineation to avoid any possibility of confusion. The bed shall be situated both for suitable viewing and to ensure growing conditions which are as equal as possible for all entries. The regional meeting chair shall be responsible for assuring that the bed is maintained according to acceptable horticultural practices.
Each seeding will be clearly identified with a unique number assigned by the garden host and known only by the garden host and the Awards Management Chair prior to the announcement of the winner.
Should a plant die, upon notification by the garden host, a replacement of no more than three fans is allowed if provided within the original time window as stated above.
All registered attendees for the Region 15 summer meeting, ADS member or not, will receive a ballot to choose the seedling they believe exhibits best overall bloom and plant habit. Ballots will be distributed by bus captains, or other designated individuals, and collected at the end of the garden tour. Optionally, a sealed box may be provided in the host garden. In either case, the ballots or box shall be promptly turned over to the Awards Management Chair upon conclusion of the tour.
Ballots will be counted by the Awards Management Committee and will remain secret until the time of the announcement of the winner. The winner hybridizer will be presented an appropriately chosen award by the president of the sponsoring club or by the president's designee at the summer meeting banquet.
Ethical Conduct:
The seedling bed host is expected to treat all seedlings equally in terms of number of fans planted, placement, irrigation, and fertilization.
The garden host shall not use the pollen or seeds pods on the guest seedlings.
Before the balloting is complete, hybridizers shall not identify that a seedling is theirs or that they even have a seedling in the competition.
Anyone else who can identify a seedling's hybridizer, however innocently, (ie. having seen it in the hybridizer's garden, on a website, or in an electronic presentation) must not discuss this knowledge with others.
A seedling not in bloom on a tour day may be resubmitted in a future competition.
Disposition of Plants:
The hybridizer will designate the final disposition of his/her plants, including a request that they be destroyed. If any portion is to be returned, he/she shall arrange pickup or pay the garden host's shipping fees. Any plants remaining with the garden host may be kept or disposed of as the host sees fit. If you have questions regarding these rules, contact the current Awards Management Chair.
2023 - 2022 - Eric Simpson 2021 - John Martin 2020 - NOT AWARDED (No summer meeting due to COVID 19 Pandemic) 2019 - Tom Bruce 2018 - Charles Douglas 2017 - Ed Zahler 'Seedling 2016 - John Smethurst 'Seedling 2015 - Ed Zahler 2014 - Dan Walker 2013 - Jim Jeffcoat 2012 - Ken Dye 2011 - Peggy Jeffcoat 2010 - NOT AWARDED (Short notice of summer meeting) 2009 - Raymond Lockerby 2008 - Ken Dye 2007 - Ed Zahler 2006 - Bobby Baxter 2005 - Dan Lovett 2004 - Rebecca Board 2003 - Memory Jordanj 2002 - Jim Jeffcoat 2001 - Peggy Jeffcoat 2000 - TIE: Scotty Godwin & Linda Sue Barnes 1999 - Bob Glenn 1998 - Cindy Dye 1997 - Jim Jeffcoat 1996 - Ray Quinn 1995 - Wyatt LeFever 1994 - Claude Caldwell 1993 - Ed Zahler 1991 - NOT AWARDED 1990 - Van Sellers 1989 - Mary Alexander 1988 - Mary Alexander 1987 - Mary Alexander 1986 - Wyatt LeFever 1985 - Like "Reggie" Register 1984 - Bob Kennedy 1983 - Van Sellers 1982 - Velerie Rushing 1981 - Marguerite Porter Beasley 1980 - Harold Kirk 1979 - Bob Kennedy 1978 - TIE: Ann Smith & Gene Crocker 1977 - Velerie Rushing